
Turbos Hoet bg is part of TH Group, the largest commercial vehicle dealer network in Europe, present in 11 European countries. Our organization is rapidly expanding in Eastern- and Western Europe, whereby the IT support department (active in Belgium, Bulgaria and Romania) plays an important part. Today we have an…
Loek! (https://loekonline.nl/) is a Dutch software company that has developed a smart solution for the management of buildings (домоуправителство). Next to a web version, they also have apps for Android and Apple. Loek has offices in Holland and Bulgaria (Plovdiv) and is part of Netsam Participaties. Netsam Participaties (https://netsamparticipaties.com) is…
Cassiux (https://cassiux.nl/en/about-us/) is a service provider that offers Azure Stack, Azure Public and hybrid solutions for its customers. Cassiux has offices in Holland and Bulgaria (Plovdiv) and is part of Netsam Participaties. Netsam Participaties (https://netsamparticipaties.com) is a Dutch private equity firm with a focus on IT and innovation. It invests…
Профил: Като експерт по автоматизация, Вие предоставяте на нашите клиенти решения и услуги за създаване на по-интелигентни процеси. Вашата цел? По-ефективни процеси, с възможно най-малко грешки. В един свят, където ефективността (работоспособността) е основен приоритет, превенцията и взаимодействието са най- важни. Ето защо постоянно търсим специалисти, които са готови да…

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